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Olympus Evolt E300 8MP Digital SLR with Zuiko 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 Digital SLR Lens

상품번호 B00061UHDS
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상품가격 $269.89
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8.0-megapixel SLR with full-frame transfer CCD (FFT CCD)User-friendly menu plus full manual operation; scene program and scene select program modesRecords to CompactFlash cards and MicrodrivesCompatible with the complete range of Olympus E-system lenses and new accessories including Zuiko Digital 40-150mm (80-300mm) lens f3.5-4.5Compact design incorporates a built-in flash and hot shoe
Product Description The Olympus Evolt SLR digital camera eliminates most photographic limitations. Advances in design make for a durable and portable compact camera you can trust and take anywhere. The exclusive, patented Supersonic Wave Filter automatically removes dust from the CCD every time the camera is turned on to reduce dust spots caused from changing lenses. Other features include 8MP FFT CCD; TruePic Turbo image processor for increased speed and smoother image results; 1.8" HyperCrystal TFT color LCD for clear viewing of images up to a 160° angle; TTL optical viewfinder; built-in pop-up flash; PictBridge compatibility allowing you to print without a PC; full-speed USB 2.0; Compact Flash Card (Type I, II); self-timer and remote control. Imported. 2-1/2Wx5-3/4Lx3-1/4H". 20-1/2 oz. From the Manufacturer The Olympus Evolt E-300 is a 100% digital SLR camera that eliminates any photographic limitations. A powerful 8-megapixel CCD combines with interchangeable Zuiko digital lenses, our exclusive Supersonic Wave Filter, and other cutting-edge technologies to make for world-class images. Advances in design make for a durable and portable compact camera you can take and trust anywhere. It features impressively fast shooting and operating speeds that ensure you never miss a photo op, and the ability to switch lenses and add flashes so you never miss a beat. Image Quality Along with the advantages provided by the 8-megapixel Full Frame Transfer CCD and Olympus\'s exclusive dust-eliminating Supersonic Wave Filter, images captured with the Evolt E-300 benefit from a number of additional technologies as well. The included Zuiko 14-45mm f3.5-5.6 digital SLR lens (equivalent to 28-90mm in 35mm photography) is perfectly matched with the 4/3-type image sensor to deliver light more directly to each of the imager\'s pixels. Its 3.2x zoom covers a broad range, with close-ups coming out crisp and clear as near as 15 inches/38 cm. A new multicoating minimizes ghosting and flaring, while the sturdy metal lens mount ensures rugged durability. Features 12 elements in 10 groups and a weight of just 9.98 ounces/285 grams. Furthermore, the camera\'s TruePic TURBO image processor offers significantly improved image quality and combines with anti-blooming technology on each pixel to eliminate undesirable artifacts, moiré patterns, and other aberrations that can appear. Dust Free Dust has long been an issue in digital photography. The Evolt E-300 features Olympus\'s exclusive Supersonic Wave Filter that dramatically reduces dust and other particles that settle on the image sensor. Located between the shutter and the CCD, the Supersonic Wave Filter uses high-speed ultrasonic vibration to cause dust and other microelements to fall off and be collected and held so they don\'t affect photographs. This filter vibrates at 350,000 times per second and is automatically activated upon powering up the camera (or manually via the menu) to render dust harmless. This unique technology provides both the freedom and comfort to shoot and interchange lenses with the confidence that your images won\'t be damaged or ruined by dust ever again. Built-In Pop-Up Flash This new flash design allows close-up flash photography without the typical "lens shadow." The flash housing pops up and then forward to better illuminate subjects when using a wide-angle lens at close shooting distances. High Speed Don\'t you hate shutter lag? Put an end to annoying waiting times with the high-speed performance of the Evolt E-300. Because it\'s equipped with our TruePic TURBO image processor, the Evolt E-300 is able to deliver fast image data processing for the files generated by this powerful digital camera. TruePic TURBO also has a huge impact on overall camera responsiveness as it accelerates the camera\'s startup time, decreases the shutter release lag time so you can capture images more rapidly, and provides quicker image playback for instant gratification. The Evolt E-300 also lets you capture fast-paced action with a quick 2.5-frames-per-second burst mode, and keeps you shooting fast for longer periods of time with its 64 MB image memory buffer and separate working memory for camera controls. Scene Program Modes Ever wonder how to achieve the results you want without complicated and time-consuming camera settings? The Evolt E-300 lets you choose among 14 shooting options so you can concentrate on your composition and leave the settings to us. Durability You can\'t achieve high performance without a highly durable camera. The Evolt E-300 is built to keep you and your images at an optimum level no matter where or when you use it, due to its sturdy and reliable design. An aluminum top cover provides added protection for the camera while giving it a sophisticated feel. The die-cast aluminum chassis provides a strong foundation for a camera that can be used in all kinds of conditions. The metallic lens mount is further evidence of the camera\'s ruggedness while also supporting the use of interchangeable lenses, up to the largest telephotos in the E-System family. It boasts a durable shutter. And its exclusive Supersonic Wave Filter repels dust and debris from the Evolt E-300’s 8-megapixel CCD so each and every image you capture is crystal clear and aberration free, just as you saw it through the lens. Size Utilizing new concepts and new technologies, the Evolt E-300 boasts a radical new body design that makes it incredibly comfortable to hold and impressively appealing to use. Most digital SLR designs are based on traditional 35mm camera models. But innovations in digital photography have enabled us to provide an innovative design that stands out from the rest. Eliminating the bulky pentaprism commonly found on top of traditional SLRs, the Evolt E-300 incorporates a new and exclusive Olympus TTL Optical Porro Finder coupled with an exclusive side swing mirror that enables the unique flat-top appearance to be realized and increased portability to be attained. What\'s in the Box Evolt E-300 body 14-45mm f3.5-5.6 lens USB cable Video cable Lithium-ion battery pack (BLM-1) Lithium-ion battery charger (BCM-2) Audio/video cable Shoulder strap Olympus Master Editing software CD-ROM Manuals Warranty card System chart

2023-07-13 08:49:54

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