해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SweetLeaf Natural Stevia Sweetener, 70 Count

상품번호 B00430EJR8
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상품가격 $6.85
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Natural sweetener made from the stevia leafIdeal for people with diabetes or for those looking to manage their weightNo calories or carbs, no artificial ingredientsNon-glycemic response, no bitterness or aftertasteNon GMO Project VerifiedZero Calories, zero carbohydratesZero glycemic, safe for diabeticsSmooth, fresh, sweet taste, kosherExtracted using only pure waterZero Calories, zero carbohydratesZero glycemic, safe for diabeticsSmooth, fresh, sweet taste, kosherExtracted using only pure water
Size:70 Count (Pack of 1) Stevia is a small green plant with leaves that have a delicious and refreshing taste, which can be 30 times sweeter than sugar in its unprocessed form. Stevia supports the function of the pancreas. Stevia extract will not adversely affect the blood sugar levels. Frutafit Inulin Fiber (FOS), a functional food ingredient, is a mildly sweet, low calorie powder, which is found in chicory, fruits, and vegetables. Frutafit Inulin Fiber (FOS) selectively nourishes the friendly bacteria (lactobacillus and bifidobacteria) in the intestines, thus increasing the number of these good bacteria that will most benefit the body's gastointestinal functions. Frutafit Inulin Fiber (FOS) provides a powerful fiber effect but without the required bulk usually found in other fiber products. In fact, just four SteviaPlus Fiber packets contain as much fiber as a bowl of whole grain cereal.Studies have shown that as these beneficial bacteria increase they begin to provide the body with many of the following benefits:Improves Regularity Cleanses the Colon Helps Produce Vitamins Assists and Strengthens the Immune System Supports Liver Health Prevents Overgrowth of Candida Albicans (yeast) Helps Control the Formation of Free Radicals Does Not Adversely Affect Blood Sugar.

2021-03-08 10:42:08

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