해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Drive Medical RTL10266 Nitro Euro Style Rollator Walker, Standard Height, Red

상품번호 B009SOC9PI
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상품가격 $204.99
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Easily collapse rollator to ultra-compact size with one hand by pulling seat grip up and bringing sides together so handles almost touchSophisticated design features lightweight aluminum frame with built-in brake cable for extra safety and protection. Easily folds with one hand to ultra-compact size for storageA comfortable nylon seat and handle height adjustability provide universal relief that feels customized. Caster fork design enhances turning radius. Back support height easily adjusts with tool-free thumb screwFeatures large front wheels crafted to increase turning radius and a sleek removable zippered storage bag for secure convenienceOverall dimensions: 27.75"(L) x 23"(W) x 33.5"(H); Seat dimensions: 10"(D) x 18"(W) x 20.5"(H); Handle height: 33.5"-38.25"; Weight capacity: 300 pounds
Size:Standard  |  Color:Red Drive Medical's Nitro Euro Style Rollator is the ultimate mobility solution that marries advanced reliable features with a sophisticated exterior. The durable frame is made of lightweight aluminum so it's easy to maneuver on any indoor/outdoor terrain, and strong enough to withstand extended daily use. To ensure maximum safety, the brake cable is built into the frame, enhancing the sleek appearance. The Nitro Euro Style Rollator has unrivalled folding capabilities: It easily collapses to an ultra-compact size with one hand by pulling the seat grip up and bringing the ergonomic, height-adjustable handles together so they almost touch. To further offer customized comfort, the removable back is also height-adjustable, and the luxury seat is made of easy-to-clean nylon. Enjoy the complimentary removable zippered storage bag for secure convenience of all your personal belongings whenever travelling with your new Drive Medical Nitro Euro Style Rollator. Large 10 inch front casters allow optimal steering and rolling comfort, Cross-brace design allows for side-to-side folding and added stability, Handsome and removable zippered storage bag with unique attachment to keep bag securely in place when Nitro is open or folded. Plastic clip holds the Nitro closed when frame is folded.

2021-06-25 06:26:01

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