해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Barbie & Ken Doll Set, 2-Pack of Fashion Dolls Featuring Removable Clothes Including Denim Button Down & Pink Blouse (Amazon Exclusive)

상품번호 B014DEISGQ
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상품가격 $22.99
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Iconic Fashion Duo: This exclusive 2-piece set brings together the timeless Barbie and Ken dolls, celebrating their iconic fashion styles.Barbie\'s Chic Ensemble: Barbie doll is stylishly dressed in a pink top, printed skirt, and adorable shoes, embodying her trendsetting flair.Ken\'s Dapper Look: Ken doll exudes confidence in his blue pants, collared shirt, and bright orange shoes, showcasing his signature dapper style.Collectible Gift Set: An ideal choice for Barbie and Ken doll enthusiasts or as a delightful gift for any special occasion.
It’s double the fun with Barbie and Ken dolls in one pack together! Dressed in on-trend fashions perfect for day or night, the duo is ready for anything. Barbie brightens the day in a pink top, skirt with graphic print and adorable shoes. Ken doll is dashing in blue pants, a collared shirt and brightly colored shoes that add flair. Whether at home or on the go, girls will love the endless storytelling possibilities with these dolls. The gift set is perfect for any gift-giving occasion or to add to Barbie and Ken doll collections. Includes Barbie and Ken dolls wearing fashions and accessories. Dolls cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.

2020-10-29 23:00:49

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