해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Original Emoji Golf Ball Gift Set, Perfect for Course Play, Practice, Parties, Pranks, and More! Includes 12 Yellow Golf Balls, Each with a Unique and Hilarious Face

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? HILARIOUS GIFT IDEA - This 12-pack of golf balls make the best gift for golfers who enjoy a sense of humor, but also for kids who want to practice or improve their game? BRIGHT VIBRANT COLOR featuring a glossy polyurethane finish, these yellow golf balls with optic brightener make it easier to follow your shot off the tee and find it in the rough? GENUINE STANDARD SIZE GOLF BALLS - These one-piece distance golf balls conform to USGA regulations; they’ll fly off the tee, are fun and flexible on the fairway, great on the green, and will quirkily but quickly find the cup with a good golfer. Yet they\'ll gladly laugh (or cry) in the rough and sand traps with those who take a few more shots? FUN EMOJI FACES - Each golf ball sports a unique cute, funny, playful, or ridiculous emoji face to let you play a round of golf with attitude, making them a great choice for men, women, and youth? 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - return them for any reason within 30 days
Get this 12 pack of novelty Emoji golf balls and make it easier (and more fun) to spot your shot! Improve your golf game and have a bit more fun on the course with this 12-pack of goofy emoji-faced golf balls perfect for youth and adult players. Whether you love playing the front nine, back nine or a round of 18 holes, you want to play a consistent game from start to finish. And while the traditional white golf ball has its place, it’s much more fun when you can be a little creative and better track your ball when it’s in flight or in the bushes. That’s why we created these colorful and whimsical yellow golf balls that feature unique emoji faces printed on each one. These novelty balls are the same size and weight as USGA standard balls, but have a little attitude to go along with it. You’ll love playing a round with a bit more fun in each swing. Fun Beyond the Green These brightly-colored golf balls can also be enjoyed far off the golf course as well! The traditional size and large pack make them great for juggling, as Emoji-themed party décor, as wedding or event favors, for kids that fidget, or simply as stocking stuffers for your favorite old “pro”. Product Details: Novelty Emoji Golf Balls (12-Pack) 12 Unique and Funny Faces Bright, Easy-to-Spot Yellow Glossy Polyurethane Finish Each dozen comes in a colorful ready to wrap box No Worry Sports is a brand of Vericonic LLC, a USA based veteran owned business.

2024-05-09 11:32:22

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