해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FLEXISPOT EC1 Essential Electric White Standing Desk Whole Piece 48 x 30 Inch Desktop Adjustable Height Desk Home Office Computer Workstation Sit Stand up Desk (White Frame + 48" White Top)

상품번호 B07W42DSG8
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상품가격 $249.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.COZY & ERGONOMIC WHOLE-PIECE WORKSPACE: Spacious 48” x 30” eco-friendly whole-piece desktop offers a roomy setup for 2 monitors and a laptop so you can spread out and calmly take on the challenges of the work day. Please allow a slight 0 to1-inch difference in desktop size due to manual measurement.ELECTRIC HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE LIFT SYSTEM: The motor lift mechanism offers smoother height adjustments, from 28" to 47.6" (without 1” thickness of table top included), at a speed of 1"/second with low noise (under 50 dB) while running.SOLID CONSTRUCTION: An industrial-grade steel frame combined with a solid desktop allows for a 154 lbs weight capacity to support your ideal workspace setup.BUILT FOR WORK FROM HOME: The perfect standing desk to allow independent and remote workers to stay active, healthy, and productive while working from home. Precisely adjust your desk to your height and insert healthy movement into your day.PLEASE NOTE: The product will be shipped in two separate packages which may be delivered separately from each other. Some steps may require a drill, which is not included.

2022-03-09 19:59:11

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