해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Organika Blue Mylk Latte, Caffeine-Free Drink Mix, Plant-Based, Vegan, 7.05 Ounce Tub

상품번호 B08929ZWML
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상품가격 $22.50
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PROMOTES HEART HEALTH: Coconut milk is a plant-based milk that is the base for all of our Mylk Lattes. A rich source of lauric acid, coconut milk promotes heart health, helping decrease bad cholesterol levelsHEALTHY DIGESTION: Sourced from non-GMO tapioca fiber, it feeds the good bacteria in the gut and provides the nutrients they need to continue supporting healthy digestion and immune functionRELAX: Feeling blue? Take the time to relax and ease your mind with Organikas Blue Mylk Latt. This delicious Latt is caffeine free and combines Coconut Milk, Butterfly Pea Flower, nutritious Spirulina, Cardamom, Ashwagandha, and a delightful blend of spicesRESTORE & REPAIR: Our formula includes Ashwagandha which is an herb that is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat stress and promote relaxationINGREDIENTS: Coconut milk powder, Prebiotic fibre (isomalto-oligosaccharides from tapioca starch), Coconut palm sugar, Butterfly pea flower powder, Ashwagandha root powder, Spirulina powder, Cardamom seed powder, Cinnamon bark powder, Ginger root powder, Himalayan pink salt, Black pepper powder

2021-09-01 16:06:03

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