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Cudy 2023 New AX 1800Mbps WiFi 6 Mesh Router, AX1800 2.4G 5G Gigabit Wireless Internet Router for Home and Office, Gaming, VPN Router, OpenWRT, OpenVPN, Long Range, X6

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상품가격 $69.90
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Upgrade to 1.8Gbps WiFi 6 Speed. Compared with Wi-Fi 5, Cudy AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 router brings a 90% speed boost on the 2.4GHz and 40% speed boost on 5GHz band. The maximum speed of 5Ghz reaches 1201Mbps, and the maximum speed of 2.4GHz reaches 574Mbps. With such a significant speed increase, there will be no difference between WiFi connection and wired access, every application in the network will feel smoother.Boost Coverage and Minimize Interference. Equipped with independent Front-End Module and four high-gain antennas, the Cudy AX1800 WiFi6 router effectively enhances the strength of the WiFi signal and greatly improves the WiFi coverage. At the same time, the beamforming technology makes WiFi no longer a headless fly, but can be accurately positioned the direction of the WiFi device and transmits signals accurately and efficiently.Wi-Fi 6 Connect More Devices. Easily handle dozens of devices streaming and gaming at the same time with WiFi 6 OFDMA technology, enabling your Wi-Fi to connect more devices compared to Wi-Fi 5 router. Future-proofs your home or office networks by providing greater capacity to connect more devices, add more Wi-Fi devices will no longer means dragging down performance.All in One WiFi Router / Mesh WiFi Router / Access Point / WiFi Extender / WISP Router. Supports WiFi Router, Access Point, Range Extender, and WISP modes to meet any network need. All you need to do is upgrade the firmware to the 1.10.0 or later version, then you could enjoy the multi mode function to setup your network.Fully unlock the potential of your Wi-Fi 6 devices and backward compatible with existing 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n devices. If you already have an WiFi 6 device, then cudy WiFi 6 router is your best option, while if you don\'t have an WiFi 6 device for now, Cudy X6 is also suitable for you, it is not only compatible with future-oriented WiFi6 devices, but also compatible with existing WiFi devices.

2023-07-06 02:13:52

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