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FORSCAN tpms relearn Tool U508 Universal for GM Jeep and Ford Chrysler & Dodge Tire Pressure Monitor Sensor TPMS Reset Activation Tool 2021 Edition

상품번호 B0915P2XHN
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상품구분 Automotive / Tires & Wheels
브랜드 Brand: FORSCAN
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.【Save Time&Money】 The U508 is simple and fast, activates the individual TPMS sensor with the press of one button easily within 1-2 minutes. Save your money, It will save you many trips to the tire shop.【WIDE VEHICLE COVERAGE】Works on most vehicles equipped TPMS system, Please check the exact car model list to check whether your car compatible with U508 tpms tool, more models will be updated in future after being tested!【ONLY 3 STEPS】1.Make sure your car is in the TPMS Learning Mode , 2.Hold the tool against the sidewall of the tire, near the valve stem. 3.Depress learn button while holding the tool against the tire sidewall until horn bleeps once.【2021 Updated 】Works on most cars (include Cars, SUV, Pickup ) U508 is a essential tool with a 315MHz or 433 MHz tire pressure monitoring system,of replacement tire pressure sensor, tire pressure alarm remove or exchange tires.【FRIENDLY TIPS】[1] When using U508 tpms relearn tool, please make sure antenna in correct position; [2] Not for heavy trucks with more than 4 tires & Please use NEW 9V battery (not include in package) 【 Provides 24 months warranty, relieve all your worries.】

2021-12-30 11:52:16

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