해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wolf Project Under Eye Patches (15 pairs) For Dark Circles, Puffy Eyes, and Wrinkles - With Caffeine, Vitamin C and Peptides. Under Eye Masks Reduce Tired Eyes And Under Eye Bags

상품번호 B0BCL89TC1
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상품가격 $31.95
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Advanced Under Eye Treatment - Wolf Project Under Eye Patches are advanced eyebags and dark circles remover designed to deliver active ingredients deeper into the skin for greater hydration/refreshment for instant results you can see. Its unique and advanced hydrogel formula is infused with Caffeine, Vitamin C, and essential Peptides to remove inflammation, reduce wrinkles and completely hydrate dry and tired skin.Smooth Skin and Brightened Eyes in Just 10 Minutes - Thrive and look your best in just 10 minutes with our collagen boosting pads that also work like an instant eye depuffer. These cooling eye masks have gel pads that work fast to reduce puffiness and bags under your eyes and tighten the skin around your eyes for a more youthful appearance. Use them after a long day or before an important event for quick resultsTired of Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes - Get rid of dark circles and wrinkles with our all-natural and caffeine-infused hydrogel pads. Our caffeine-infused masks help reduce inflammation and swelling while brightening the undereye area for a more awake appearance, and these eye patches help to instantly reduce and prevent the reappearance of dark circles with regular use.Gel Eyepatches with Caffeine, Vitamin C, and Peptides - Help reduce the signs of aging with our gel eyepatches containing the ingredients caffeine, vitamin C, and peptides. The secret to our eye patches is the secret formulation of those natural ingredients that result in an effective process to cool and soothe tired eyes and goes hard at work to repair damage caused by stress or age. With regular use, the long-term benefits of our under-eye patches are priceless.Stays on for Continuous Delivery of Nourishment - Our hydrogel material is durable and has higher efficacy and adhesion over paper masks and other brands. They stop evaporation and lock in moisture longer so the skin absorbs every drop of its natural ingredients. Skin will quickly feel tighter, brighter, more youthful. Our Eye Masks are perfect for adults who want to reduce dark circles, puffiness, bags, dryness, wrinkles, and get firmer-looking skin.

2024-04-06 01:56:32

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