해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magnetic Case Compatible with iPhone 15 Pro Max Case Magnetic | Full Camera Protection | Compatible with MagSafe | 15FT Drop Protection Including Camera Lens and Screen Protector 3 in 1, Gray

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✅ [Enhanced Magnetic Charging]: The GL Creations case for iPhone 15 Pro Max guarantees a robust magnetic connection for wireless charging, featuring an integrated N52 magnetic ring that aligns seamlessly with accessories such as wallets, car mounts, and chargers. With a magnetic suction power of 18N (125% higher than factory standards), it ensures increased safety and faster charging.✅ [Premium Drop Protection]: Crafted with TPU cushioning and a four-layer cushioning structure, this shockproof protective case for iPhone 15 Pro Max is designed with embedded 360° airbags, offering excellent phone protection against drops of up to 15 FT. The case also features 1.4mm screen bezels and raised 0.88mm precision camera hole lips, providing innovative protection against impacts and scratches.✅ [Enhanced Camera Protection]: Distinguishing itself from other phone cases, the GL Creations case for iPhone 15 Pro Max elevates camera security. The camera cover is seamlessly integrated into the case, not a separate piece. With a camera frame that sits 0.8mm higher than the lens, it effectively shields your precious camera lens from scratches and bumps without compromising photo quality.✅ [Sleek & Touch-Friendly]: GL Creations 15 Pro Max Matte Case presents a premium matte translucent protective case with an upgraded Nano-Oleophobic coating, delivering a silky and non-sticky feel. The distinctive grainy design on the side frame enhances anti-slip performance while ensuring a comfortable grip. With an ultra-slim design of only 0.05 inches, it avoids unnecessary bulk, allowing the sleek aesthetic of the phone to shine through.✅ [Optimal Compatibility & Expert Assistance]: GL Creations is committed to customer satisfaction! This case is exclusively designed for iPhone 15 Pro Max with a 6.7-inch display! Reach out to us for any concerns about this new for iPhone 15 Pro Max case, and we will provide you with a satisfactory solution!

2024-03-25 20:15:56

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